

From a total of 4,984,183 kills

# Team Time Time % Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Kpd
1 Terrorist 4y 90d 15:23h 49% 2,520,995 51% 2,463,318 49% 1.02
2 Counter-Terrorist 4y 48d 04:35h 48% 2,463,188 49% 2,520,917 51% 0.98
3 Spectator 89d 16:18h 3% - 0% - 0% 0.00


From a total of 2,769,376 kills

# Team Time Time % Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Kpd
1 st6 1y 131d 01:27h 29% 866,065 31% 803,791 30% 1.08
2 professional 1y 81d 00:14h 26% 529,598 19% 551,244 21% 0.96
3 leet 282d 07:10h 16% 613,950 22% 509,441 19% 1.21
4 fbi 115d 21:58h 7% 141,634 5% 137,204 5% 1.03
5 balkan 112d 23:33h 7% 134,809 5% 143,518 5% 0.94
6 sas 93d 09:54h 5% 182,217 7% 195,927 7% 0.93
7 phoenix 92d 12:27h 5% 192,896 7% 189,470 7% 1.02
8 swat 64d 10:15h 4% 84,922 3% 93,069 4% 0.91
9 gign 6d 00:08h 0% 6,508 0% 6,795 0% 0.96
10 gsg9 4d 04:12h 0% 9,184 0% 9,275 0% 0.99
11 separatist 2d 08:50h 0% 1,168 0% 1,309 0% 0.89
12 idf 2d 00:26h 0% 1,246 0% 1,170 0% 1.06
13 pirate 1d 12:03h 0% 4,211 0% 4,044 0% 1.04
14 anarchist 1d 01:48h 0% 968 0% 823 0% 1.18